Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Gurdy it's halfway through May

Monday, May 17, 2010
And I haven't updated one tiny little bit! WHELL!! I shall do it now, because I am (im)patiently awaiting the arrival of the one coworker who can help me out on something. Yay!

Yesterday, we got our first lesson in "If she's being quiet, check on her." I put her in her walker and scooted her to the middle of the computer room floor. I proceeded to put away a few things and organize some stuff on the art supply organizer thingy. She had been happily chattering and banging around on her walker, and then she was silent for a few minutes. Upon realizing she was quiet, I turned around to see what she was doing.

She had her hand planted firmly in the potted Mother-in-Law's Tongue that is in the foyer (fancy!). She also had miracle gro dirt on her face, around her mouth (indicating she had tasted it and deemed it not yummy), and all over her hands and walker. Woo!

She had her first experience being babysat at home while we were over an hour away this past weekend. Aunt J came down to sit with her and all went well, apparently. Hey, Aunt J... did ya have to deal with any blowouts?? LOL! I hope not.

I never did mention the ear tubes surgery, did I? It went well. She was out of our sight for a total of about 12 minutes and then she cried and cried for half an hour. I am pretty sure it was only because she didn't understand why she felt all loopy, and it scared her a little. But we came home and she slept for a while and then she was her normal silly self.


Friday, April 30, 2010

I can't reach that banana puff

Friday, April 30, 2010 I'll just throw up on the playmat and smear it around until it's in my clothing, skin, eyes, and hair. All in 30 second's time as Mom puts away one book!

The house is very nearly de-cluttered completely. Just don't look in the garage or basement. Or tack-shed. Or... my closet. Ok so there is still plenty to get done. Leave me be, I need a break. I've decided, though, on what colors to paint a few of the walls, so... progress? Procrastination.

Little monster baby gets her ear tubes installed on Monday. Installed, pahhaha! Everything goes well, we'll be in and out in 2 hours, counting pre-op and recovery. I'm sure she will recover from anesthesia like a champ considering she is TWENTY POUNDS.

Product review: So far so good on the Febreze Flameless Luminary thing with the shades. The first one, Willow Tree Blossom or some such other ridiculous girly named scent, was overbearing at first, and then tapered to a pleasant, subtle aroma. Citrus Tree or whatever that one was... had to be exiled to the garage for the first three days until the initial scent dissipated some. And I hadn't yet turned it on! A+ I suppose!


Monday, April 19, 2010

The swimming lesson video!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Monday, April 12, 2010

Tiny McFloaty

Monday, April 12, 2010
Well, I completely fail as a doting parent yet again. Saturday morning was AJ's first swim lesson, and I fully intended to bring along the video camera so we could all see her floating around like the little turd she is. But... I also had to drop the dog off at the vet before her lesson, so I had an infant and an ornery dog to contend with.

Alas, the camera was neglected and forgotten, sitting lonely on the foyer table, forlorn.

BUT, she has three more lessons in this session so we will get pics and a video of her prodigy swimming abilities eventually.

She did really well. She wasn't scared in the least and she smiled when S lifted her high up out of the water. She kicked when she was on her back, and she held her head up out of the water when she was on her belly. She floated BY HERSELF on the pool noodle and didn't freak out one bit when her face went momentarily submerged.

I believe she had a really great time. I look forward to this week's lesson.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Aunt J is awesome

Thursday, April 1, 2010
A-Train's Aunt J (my sister) came down to visit for a few days. We have a running joke that she only comes down when she's hungry for a home cooked meal, or has laundry to do haha! I don't mind and besides, she usually vacuums and cleans up the kitchen while she's here, so SCORE!

And of course AJ loves it because she gets more attention.

Yesterday, J and I took off AJ's socks to try on her Easter shoes, and the dog ninja'ed in and stole one! He was quick and quiet and it was funny to see him run off with a teeny tiny little pink sock.

So the appointments are made for AJ's pre-op, surgery, and post-op. She will have her ear tubes put in on May 3rd. Hopefully there are no complications, but I will keep everyone posted.

I signed her up for swim classes at the YMCA. I guess it will be more like float classes considering she'll only be 7 months, but I want swimming to be one of those things that comes natural to her. I always knew how to swim and never had a fear of water, and I want the same for her. I'm sure we'll shoot a video of her first swim class. I got her a little watermelon swim suit and swim diapers. I kind of can't wait :)


Monday, March 29, 2010

Bee Ay En Ay En Ay ESS!

Monday, March 29, 2010
Bananas. She loves them. She also can't get enough of pears and sweet potatoes. She isn't too averse to "garden vegetables" (which, coincidentally, includes PEAS!! without her knowledge). So she's doing well with the solid foods. This evening, I plan to chop up a banana into tiny squishable pieces and letting her work on her fine motor skills for a while. I anticipate a sticky, banana-flavored face, so it will inevitably be bath night.

She sits up quite well these days, with only the occasional backwards fall. She's doing well at not overreacting and we always hesitate for a few seconds before rushing to comfort her, so that she doesn't decide to flip out immediately. She's not hurt, and I want her to learn to bounce right back :)

She's getting to the "mad" point when on her stomach and not able to reach her toys, so I think she'll start working out the mechanics of getting her knees under her to crawl, or pulling herself forward with her arms. Right now, she has learned that if she's on a blanket, she can pull the blanket toward her and the toys will come along too.

She is still sleeping fairly well, only waking up once to eat, and sometimes sleeping till about 5:30 am. Can't complain about that!! She is getting better about taking a long afternoon nap in her crib if we put her there and leave the room.

I can't believe she is nearly 7 months old! Her first plane right will be in June and she will be a burly 9 month old. Crazy.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Don't look at me, those are Adelaide's words. I have proof!